What's going on?
The first images from the preparation for the upcoming project WORKCAMP PARQUET 2023, Bishop's Palace Gyor, Hungary.
Soon, 1.- 9.09.2033 - 32 parquet workers from all over the world will meet in these rooms to restore the floor in this palace. Now, colleagues and friends from Hungary are recycling the existing wooden floor into baseboards for the future parquets.
Zoltán Molnár René Caran Stáb Parketta Budapest - Veszprém - Diósd Swiss Parkett Kft.Parquet Renspol Festool Bessey Gábor GáspárFerenc Reisner Haik Bálint IPROFFI Győri Egyházmegye FENTO Knee Protection Bona padlóbevonatok STAUF Klebstoffwerk GmbH DOMOTEX AIPPL - Associazione Italiana Posatori Pavimenti di Legno National Wood Flooring Association/Hardwood Floors Magazine FussbodenFuxx